Interface CalculateParams

Interface for the parameter object for index.ShadingScene.calculate

interface CalculateParams {
    diffuseIrradianceURL?: string;
    maxYieldPerSquareMeter?: number;
    numberSimulations?: number;
    progressCallback?: ((progress, total) => void);
    pvCellEfficiency?: number;
    urlDiffuseIrrandianceTIF?: string;
    urlDirectIrrandianceTIF?: string;


diffuseIrradianceURL?: string

URL where the files for the diffuse Irradiance can be retreived. The object at this URL needs to be of type SolarIrradianceData.

Default Value

undefined - only direct irradiance is used.
maxYieldPerSquareMeter?: number

Upper boundary of annual yield in kWh/m2/year. This value is used to normalize the color of the returned three.js mesh. In Germany this is something like 1400 kWh/m2/year multiplied with the given pvCellEfficiency.

Default Value

numberSimulations?: number

Number of random sun positions that are used to calculate the PV yield.

Default Value

progressCallback?: ((progress, total) => void)

Type declaration

    • (progress, total): void
    • Parameters

      • progress: number
      • total: number

      Returns void

pvCellEfficiency?: number

Efficiency of the solar cell, value in [0,1].

Default Value

urlDiffuseIrrandianceTIF?: string

URL of a GEOTIF File of annual average diffuse irradiance data. An example lies at

urlDirectIrrandianceTIF?: string

URL of a GEOTIF File of annual average direct irradiance data. An example lies at

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