This class holds all information about the scene that is simulated. A ShadingScene is typically equipped with the following attributes:

  • A pair of coordinates to locate the scene
  • Simulation geometries, where the PV potential is calculated
  • Shading geometries, where no PV potential is calculated but which are responsible for shading


  • Parameters

    • latitude: number

      Latitude of the midpoint of the scene.

    • longitude: number

      Longitude of the midpoint of the scene.

    Returns ShadingScene


elevationRaster: CartesianPoint[]
latitude: number
longitude: number
shadingGeometries: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>[]
simulationGeometries: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>[]


  • Change the Color Map that is used for the colors of the simulated Three.js mesh. This is optional, the default colorMap is viridis (blue to green to yellow)


    Returns void

  • Add a elevation model to the simulation scene.


    • raster: CartesianPoint[]

      List of Points with x,y,z coordinates, representing a digital elevation model (DEM). It is important that all values of x,y and z are given with same units. If x and y are given in lat / lon and z is given in meters, this will result in wrong simulation Results.

    • midpoint: CartesianPoint

      The point of the observer, ie the center of the building

    • azimuthDivisions: number

      Number of divisions of the azimuth Angle, i.e. the list of the azimuth angle will be [0, ..., 2Pi] where the list has a lenght of azimuthDivisions

    Returns void

  • Adds a geometry as an outer geometry for the shading simulation. These geometries are responsible for shading.


    • geometry: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>

      Arbitrary Three.js geometry

    Returns void



  • Adds a geometry as a target for the shading simulation. For these geometries, the PV potential will be simulated. This geometry will also be used as a shading geometry, hence it is not needed to additionally add it by using addShadingGeometry.


    • geometry: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>

      Arbitrary Three.js geometry

    Returns void



  • This function is called as a last step, after the scene is fully build. It runs the shading simulation and returns a THREE.js colored mesh. The colors are chosen from the viridis colormap.


    Returns Promise<Mesh<BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap>>

    A three.js colored mesh of the simulationGeometry.

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